Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life and Times of an Amateur Interviewer

Notes to self:
  • stop rolling eyes
  • stop waving hands about
  • stop bobbing head
  • stop frowning
  • look at camera and SMILE

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A fishy story...

Once upon a time (6 months ago to be precise), eight fishes from different parts of the world, started going to a school of fishing--of the Biblical persuasion.

Each fish was very talented in its own way, but all had their own way of doing things.  Some fish like to sleep all day, some fish like to chat all day, some fish like to argue all day, and some fish were late all day--but basically all fish were sel-fish all day.  Truly, they broke the hearts of the teachers of the school of fish.

The story so far...

After months of intensive schooling, some of the fishes are starting to change their ways.  The fishes that like to sleep all day now sleep less, some fish argue less, some fish are more punctual--and best of all, some have learnt to be less self-ish.  Much remains to be seen...

Whatever is going to happen next?  Well stay tuned, on the same fishy channel, same fishy time...